CSI Holy Trinity Church


  • Every Sunday after Service, Women’s Fellowship Prayer.
  • Every month second Sunday, Testimony and Special Prayer.
  • Every Wednesday afternoon 2 pm to 3 pm Women’s Prayer.
  • Every month first Friday morning 10 am to 12.30 pm Fasting Prayer.
  • Monthly once visiting sick people’s house for Prayer.
  • Every year in the month of July, Women’s fellowship would participate in the Diocese Mission Festival. In 2015, they participated in the Singing compettion and won 2nd Prize.
  • Every year in the month of August, Women’s Fellowship members will participate in the “Women’s Rally’ conducted by our Diocese.
  • In the month of August, we celebrate Women’s Sunday, wherein the entire Church Service is conducted by Women’s Fellowship followed by Retreat.
  • Harvest Festival is a time of great joy for Women’s Fellowship and we prepare Jam, Juice and Pickle.
  • Women’s Fellowship regularly participates in Village outreach ministry through our Church.
  • The presence of Women’s Fellowship in every fellowship event of our Church goes without saying.
  • Once in a year the Women’s Fellowship of our Church organize a special get together during the month of January. Meditation on God’s Word, games, Bible Quiz, Gifts and Dinner make the occasion a memorable one.
  • During 2015, Women’s Fellowship prepared Pickle and Idli Podi and had a sale to raise money which was contributed towards flood relief for poor through our Church.
  • Approximately 50 women are part of our Women’s Fellowship.